Saturday, February 25, 2006 sell tea with a difference: "Extraordinary Teas, Enchanting Presentation, Unforgettable Occasions". The "Silken-Tea-Infusers" are similar to PG Tips Pyramid teas. However the Tea Forte teas differ in that the pyramid seems to stay more rigid, maintaining the central tea infusing area, plus they appear much bigger. They also say they have silk in them - perhaps giving a better flow through of water. Have a look at the different flavours here. The tea's not cheap, at $24 for 15 bags in a tin! (via treehugger / gizmodo)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Green tea may reduce, but black tea may increase breast cancer risk

"Drinking five cups of green tea a day can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 22 per cent, claims a meta-analysis of previous studies, the same studies that the FDA recently said contained very little science to support the claims."

"The anti-cancer effects of tea have been linked to the polyphenol content of the tea. Green tea contains between 30 and 40 per cent of water-extractable polyphenols, while black tea (green tea that has been oxidized by fermentation) contains between 3 and 10 per cent."

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